  الصفحة الرئيسية
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ابحاث منشورة :

1.El-Khouly A.A., T.Moustafa and F.Abde El-Gdir (1989).
A Scope on the problem of respiratory disease complex in camels. Vet.Med.J.,37(3) :505 –254 .
2. El-Khouly A.A., and F. Abde El-Gdir (1989).
Histopathological studies on the effect of Haemonchus Longistipes in camel abomasum Zagazig Vet.J.; 17(4) : 335 - 349.
3. El-Khouly A.A.,Abde El-Gdir ,F.and Samy M&El Badawi,E.S.(1989).
Preliminary survey on some gastrointestinal parasites of Camels. Zagazig Vet.J.; 17(4) : 367 – 377.
4. Tarek Moustafa and Abo-baker A.El-Kholy (1990) .
Bacteriological studies on Dromedaries lymphadenitis in United Arab Emirates. Zagazig Vet.J.; 18(1) : 77-90.
5. Tarek Moustafa (1990) .
Contribution to causes of mastitis in United Arab Emirates. Zagazig Vet.J. ; 18(2): 246 - 260
6. El-Khouly,A.A. (1990) .
Pathological alteration associated with natural Nematodirus abnormalities infestation in camel dromedaries. Zagazig Vet.J. ; 18(1): 91 - 104
7. El-Khouly,A.A.;Ontabli,A.A and Gadir,F.A. (1990) .
Some Pathological affection of camel’s ovaries in UAE . Zagazig Vet.J. ; 18(5): 210 – 217.
8. El-Khouly,A.A.; Gadir,F.A.; Cluer,D.D.and Maneffield, G . W (1992) .
Aspergillosis in camels affected with a specific respiratory and enteric syndrome . Aust. Vet.J. ; 69 ): 182 – 186 .
9. Samy,M.; El-Khouly,A.A. and Osman,N.A. (1993) .
Spontaneous aflatoxicosis in UAE camel . Egypt.J.Comp.Pathol. and Clin.Pathol. .J. ; 6 ( 1 ).
10. T.Moustafa (1993).
Rinderpest and peste des petits ruminants-like disease in the Al-Ain region of the United Arab Emirates. Rev. Sci. tech. Off. int. Epiz. , 12(3):857- 863
11. T.Moustafa and F. Abd El - Gadir (1993).
Studies on foot and mouth disease in the eastern region of Abu Dhabi,United Arab Emirates . Rev. Sci. tech. Off. int. Epiz. , 12(3):831-837
12. T.A.Bailey, J.H.Samour, J.Naldo, J.C.Howlett and M.Tarik (1996) CAUSES OF MORBIDITY IN BUSTARDS IN THE UNITED ARAB Emirates. Avian Diseases 40: 121-129
13. T.Moustafa,E.A.Omer,S.M.Basyouni And A. S.El-Badawi (1998). Surveillance of Brucella Antibodies in Camels of the Eastern Region of Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates . Procedings of the third annual Meeting for Animal production under Arid condition ,Faculty of Agriculture Sciences,UAE Univ.,Al Ain,2-3 May 1998,Vol.1 : 160 - 166. Brucella
14. A.A.El-khouly ,T.A.Abbas and T.Moustafa (2001)
Myocardial dystrophy in camel calves in the United Arab Emirates (Field cases) Emir. J. Agric.Sci., (13):11-17 http://www.cfs.uaeu.ac.ae/research/ejas.html Myocardia dystrophy
15. M.A.Ayoub A.A.El-khouly and T.M. Mohamed ( 2003 ) .
Some hematological and biochemical parameters and steroid hormone in the one-humped camel during different physiological conditions. Emir. J. Agric. Sci.,15(1) : 44 - 55 Hormone
16. T.Moustafa,El-Khouly.A.A.,El-khawuad.S.El-Badawy and M. Reda (2003) Major gastro-intestinal parasites affected camel population in Al Ain , UAE, THE FIRST INTERNATONAL CONFERENCE ON FOOD SYSTEMS , October 19 – 21 , 2003 – Al-Ain, UAE Goiter in camel
17. Tariq M .Mohamed,A. A. Al-khouli,T. A.Abbas and Al-khawad.S.El Badawy. (2006)
Clinical Hypothyroid goiter indromedary (Camelus dromedarius) First conference of the International Society of Camelids , April 15 – 17, 2006 Goiter in camel
18. دراسات علميه مشتركه بين الختبر البيطرى والمختبر المرجعى لمرض الاسهال البقرى الفيروسى فى الجمال والغزلان بدوله الامارات العربيه المتحده BVD ReportUAE